Thorns among the Barbs

Thoughts on my journey to heaven

Posts Tagged ‘Religion and Spirituality

it is the end of the year

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Is the glass half empty or half full? The pess...

Is the glass half empty or half full? The pessimist would pick half empty, while the optimist would choose half full. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


a year of adventure, adversity, challenge, struggle, and yes…. blessing too.

i am always the pessimist, choosing to look at the dark, negative and frustrating, but this has been one hard year.  It felt literally like we were scratching to make our keep, working on a treadmill, going no further, no advance, no decline… bills got paid, but by god’s grace…

and then the light began to dawn… business exploding, job for hubby… as we approach the end of a long and arduous year i am thankful to have hope for a new and bright 2013 filled with promise and hope.  so pray with me… and lets all keep our eyes open for the blessings of the new year.

Written by Barbara Bloom

December 28, 2012 at 4:44 PM