Thorns among the Barbs

Thoughts on my journey to heaven

Archive for January 1st, 2011

Starting the new year with God

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The first thing I did today when i woke up was to grab my bible, pray and read. I have purposed to find time daily and seek out God for everything. I started my day with the book of Phillipians and here are some of the things God spoke to me of:

– there is a good and solid structure of leadership to the church – Phil 1:1 mentions saints, deacons and bishops
>>I thank god for leadership structure and the protection that good leadership means to each of us and the health of the church

– Prayer should be constant, and with joy, and for all of the believers (1:3-5)
>> I ask you lord to put on my heart people to pray for, and grant me the faithfulness to pray for others faithfully.

– God is not finished with me yet but has a plan and a purpose (1:6)
>> reminde me lord of the hope and future you have for me.

– Life will have things happen to us, but they are often for the furtherance of the gospel (1:10-13)
>> Help me look to you for all things and see you through all situations and remember that you are writing the story.

– Some people will misrepresent or misuse the gospel (1:14-17)
>> Keep me lord on the straight and narrow, purposing to always do what is right and good.

It is my hope to spend the month of January reading Phillipeans, and commenting as the lord speaks.
Has he given me a verse for this year? yes –
Phillipeans 1:27-29

Written by Barbara Bloom

January 1, 2011 at 1:51 PM